Monday Bob Christy spoke to the Lawrence County CEO class. He is one of four owners of Cochran Insurance. Bob also serves on many boards in the surrounding area. He has been a big supporter of the Lawrence County CEO program since it began. Bob spoke to the class about his 3 (B’s) to success.
His first “B” is BE INVOLVED. Be involved in boards and activities. Be personable and respectable when working with people.
His second “B” is BE KNOWLEDGEABLE. Be knowledgeable about your business, your competition and your customer base. Make good eye contact and listen to your customers.
His third “B” is BE KIND. Be kind to all. Be nice when you talk with the public. First impressions are very important.
Bob talked about how CEO will provide each student with many skills. These skills will help each of them achieve great things. We thank Bob for stopping by and talking with the Lawrence County CEO class.

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