Abigail Vaughn, a Junior at Lawrenceville High School, is the daughter of Spencer and Jeannie ... Learn More
Abigail Vaughn
About Me
Abigail Vaughn, a Junior at Lawrenceville High School, is the daughter of Spencer and Jeannie Vaughn. Throughout high school, Abigail has been involved in Beta Club, FCA, the volleyball team, and Student Council. She plans on receiving her degree in the field of Nutritional Sciences after high school. Abigail has a heart for service, and she would love to incorporate this aspect of herself within her CEO business. One of her favorite acts of service is baking sweet treats for friends and family! Abigail is looking forward to the opportunities that the CEO program has to offer, and she can’t wait to navigate through the changes in our world alongside her classmates. “Anybody can quit. Only a real champion and a person of character and strength can keep going and refuse to give up.” ― Sadie Robertson