Cayden Jones a junior at Lawrenceville High School, is the son of Zane and Jennifer Parrott and ... Learn More

Cayden Jones
About Me
Cayden Jones a junior at Lawrenceville High School, is the son of Zane and Jennifer Parrott and Coby Jones. Throughout high school, Cayden has been involved in Beta Club, TRIO and other extra curricular activities. He plans to receive a degree in either engineering or Denistry. Cayden will always be helping when needed. One of his favorite activities is hunting. Cayden is looking forward to what the CEO Program has to offer. He can't wait to get through high school and start his own business. "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." Albert Einstein

Cayden Jones's DISC Profile
Your preference for problem solving and getting results.
Your preference for interacting with others and showing
Your preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness.
Your preference for procedures, standards and protocols.