Addison Dining attends Red Hill Jr/Sr High School as a junior. She is the daughter of Jonathan and ... Learn More

Addison Dining
About Me
Addison Dining attends Red Hill Jr/Sr High School as a junior. She is the daughter of Jonathan and Alicia Dining. Addison plays for the Red Hill High School volleyball team and is an active member of FFA, FCA, Interact Club, Student Council, and 4-H. She was inducted into the National Honor Society in 2022. Addison loves pets--she has several. One of her favorite classes is agricultire. After high school, she plans to earn her Master's degree in the orthopedic field of Veterinary Medicine. Addison is very excited about learning many life skills in CEO and becoming an entrepreneur. She can't wait to see all the opportunities that are open to her in CEO. Whatever you do, work at .it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. - Colossians 3:23
About My Business
Cross Driven Creations was made solely to combine the art of woodworking and Addison's love for Christianity. She carefully programs, personalizes and carves CNC routed signs and products. Her unique business specializes in using authentic, reused pieces of wood or recycled materials that are utilized for products.